Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A strict challenge. (Or: why this blog exists.)

"Should". It's a loaded word, isn't it? I should be writing instead of watching cat videos. I should be writing my deadline project instead of the new short story idea I had in the shower. I should edit instead of cleaning my house.

(Okay, maybe that last one should be reversed.)

(Heh. Should.)

In an ideal world, I would say to myself, "Self, you have an idea for a novel. You'll write the rough draft in a month, you'll edit in two months, and you'll release another month after that." I know people who work on a timeline of that nature, if not quite that strict. But me? I'm lucky if I can make it to a completed rough draft, much less a readable final draft.

That's where this blog comes in.

I'm making a bet with myself. Well, "bet" isn't the right term; it implies a wager and consequences, depending on the outcome. But "goal" seems too flexible. Maybe "challenge"? Yes. I'm challenging myself to have one novel-length work indie published by the end of the year. I'm shooting for late summer/early fall for that extra what-am-I-doing-argh motivation because, after all, what good would a challenge be if the deadline was comfortable?

The best part? I'm sharing this challenge with the world to keep me honest. In return, the world gets to see when I succeed, when I fail, and everything in-between.

I'll be starting in some capacity on May 1st. Join me!