Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A bit about END.

The astute - or anyone who visits my various online presences, really - might've noticed a link on my Twitter profile. Or this graphic lurking at the side of my main blog page. Or maybe you're a fan of one of the other writers involved. Either way, even though I haven't super officially announced it before, it's likely you know I'm contributing a short story to END, an anthology edited by the excellent SM Reine.

I have to say, this is a great way to try my hand at indie publishing. One short story's pretty simple, right? (Yeah. Cough.) Mostly, I love that the proceeds go to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - it's definitely a worthy cause. I'll make sure to bring it up again, but END's scheduled to come out in December.

In other news, I switched to the new Blogger layout. It's very...bright. But I hate site changes whenever they happen, so I'll give myself an adjustment period before I really start hating it. (Okay, it's not that bad. At least it's still functional in every necessary way. I'm looking at you, Delicious.)

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